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HEBAU Flexibly Introduces Professor Di Hongjie

2018-07-23 00:00  

Recently, HEBAU flexibly introduced the academician of New Zealand Royal Academy of Sciences, the distinguished alumnus of HEBAU, Prof. Di Hongjie. The purpose of this introduction is to promote and implement the strategy of "Talent Strengthening", improve the level of teaching staff and enhance the comprehensive strength of HEBAU.


According to the regulation of HEBAU, the flexible introduction of Prof. Di HongJie, without change of his original nationality, household registration, identity, and personnel relations, is for the purpose of intelligence service. This way of introduction breaks through the limitation of work location, work units and way of working, and fully embodies the independence of personality and employment. He will help HEBAU build a research team with international competitiveness and strengthen the scientific research force which will guide the team members to write high-level academic papers and to apply for national key disciplines, national research platforms or key laboratories; or guide team members to apply for a national project which may have a large influence on national and local development of frontier and applied research, vigorously promote the development of discipline of resources and environment in HEBAU and the internationalization level of disciplines.


Prof. Di HongJie graduated from the major of Soil Chemistry in the Department of Agronomy in 1983 and stayed in HEBAU for teaching. He went abroad in 1986 and was awarded a doctorate in Lincoln University in New Zealand. At present, he is the professor of Soil and Environmental Sciences in the College of Life Science, Lincoln University, New Zealand, Academician of Soil Science Society in New Zealand, and the foreign reviewer invited by Ministry of Science and Technology of P.R.C. and Ministry of Education of P.R.C. He got the Soil Science Outstanding Contribution Award in New Zealand and Agronomic and Horticultural Outstanding Achievement Award and Merit Medal of New Zealand issued by Britain's Queen Elizabeth II and he is the first Chinese scientist to receive the honour in the history of New Zealand.


Over the years, Di HongJie, keeping in close contact with his Alma mater, HEBAU, repeatedly carries out academic exchanges on the discipline construction of Resources and Environment, the independent innovation of scientific research workers, and delivered academic reports for related collegesteachers and students.


Reporter: Zhang Ziqian

Editor: Shi Chunxiang


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