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News in brief( Febr 2019- May 2020)

2020-06-18 00:00  

1321日上午,由校长迈克尔•贝森(Michael Benson)教授带队的美国东肯塔基大学代表团一行四人访问我校。成员包括,该校商业与技术学院院长汤姆斯•艾瑞克森(Thomas L. Erekson)教授、商学与科技学院全球项目主任庄伟凌博士、英语系汤姆•巴特勒(Tom Butler)教授。校长申书兴教授接见了代表团一行

On the morning of March 21, a delegation of four members from Eastern Kentucky University, USA, led by Prof. Michael Benson, President of the university, visited HEBAU. Members include Prof. Thomas L. Erekson, Dean of the College of Business and Technology; Dr. Zhuang Weiling, Director of Global Initiatives and Prof. Tom Butler, teacher of Department of English. President Shen Shuxing received the delegation.

2327日—28日,荷兰应用科学大学合作办学项目负责人Dr. Caicheng HuangDrs. Retta van de Ven来我校进行中荷联合培养双学位项目(2+2)进展情况交流,并面试中荷2017级秋季赴荷学习学生。

On March 27 and 28, Dr. Huang Caicheng and Drs. Retta Van de Ven, who are in charge of the cooperative program of the Inholland University of Applied Science, Holland, came to HEBAU for the  progress of joint dual degree (2 + 2) program, and interviewed students of the Sino-Dutch classes enrolled in 2017 who would study in Holland in fall.

345日,法国PIMGOSAV公司董事会主席、酿酒工艺大师让•佛朗索瓦•托马斯(Jean-Francois THOMASSIN),法国高峰集团相关设计专家代表路易•格里(Louis GUILY)、达尼尔•司索(Daniel DE CICCO),河北省农业农村厅国际合作处处长洪幼林,以及河北华友集团相关代表来我校访问。校长申书兴会见代表团一行,高宝嘉参加会见。

On April 5, Jean Francois THOMASSIN, Chairman of the board of PIMGOSAV Company, France, who is also an expert of brewing technique; Louis GUILY and Daniel DE CICCO, representatives of  design expert in related areas of French Summit Group; Hong Youlin, Director of International Cooperation Office, Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hebei Province as well as representatives of Hebei Huayou Group visited HEBAU. President Shen Shuxing received the delegation and Gao Baojia attended the meeting.

4423日,林学院2016年引进的“青年才俊”贾彦龙博士,与中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所于贵瑞团队合作的新成果“Stabilisation of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in China over the Past Decades”在线发表在国际著名刊物Nature子刊《Nature Geoscience》(中科院JCR分区为1TOP期刊,IF=14.391)。贾彦龙为共同第一作者(排名第二)。 

On April 23, Dr. Jia Yanlong, a "young talent" brought in by the College of Forestry, HEBAU, in 2016, online published the new achievement entitled "Stabilisation of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in China Over the Past Decades", which is cooperated with Yu Guirui's team, Institute of Geograpic Sciences and Natural Resources Research in Nature Geoscience (the TOP journal of the 1st JCR division of Chinese academy of sciences, IF=14.391). Jia Yanlong is co-first author (ranked second).

5419日,由国家农业农村部国际交流服务中心副主任蔺惠芳带队、河北省农村农业厅农业贸易促进中心陪同的埃塞俄比亚职教校长代表团访问我校。此代表团包括埃塞俄比亚农业部推广司司长德玛姆•贾鲁玛(Germme Garuma)先生在内共10位成员,主要为该国农业职业教育培训学校校长或副校长。

On April 19, a delegation of Ethiopian vocational education principals visited HEBAU, which is led by Lin Huifang, Vice-Director of International Exchange Service Center of National Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas and accompanied by Agricultural Trade Promotion Center of Hebei Rural Agriculture Department. The delegation consisted of 10 members and mainly are pricipals or vice-principals of Ethiopian agricultural vocational education training schools, including Mr. Germme Garuma, who is the Director of the Promotion Department of Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture.


On the morning of May 9, Liu Xu, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Researcher of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, was invited to HEBAU to deliver a report entitled "Chinese Agricultural Development and Modern Agriculture". Before the report, Party Committee Secretary Rao Guisheng, President Shen Shuxing and Prof. Ma Zhiying met with him. More than 500 people including the heads of relating colleges and departments, young teachers and graduates of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences who were studying in HEBAU listened to the report. President Shen Shuxing presided over the report.


On the afternoon of May 19, Wang Guangyu, Vice Dean of the  College of Forestry, University of British Columbia (UBC), visited HEBAU, and President Shen Shuxing received him.

874日,林学院引进的“太行学者”第三层次张先亮博士,联合美国哈佛大学、加拿大新布伦瑞克大学的学者合作的成果“Snowmelt and Early to Mid-Growing Season Water Availability Augment Tree Growth During Rapid Warming in Southern Asian Boreal Forests”在线发表在国际著名刊物《Global Change Biology》(中科院JCR分区为1TOP期刊,IF=8.88)。张先亮为第一作者和共同通讯作者,河北农业大学为第一完成单位。

On July 4, Dr. Zhang Xianliang, the third level of "Taihang Scholar" brought in by the College of Forestry, cooperated with scholars of Harvard University, USA and University of New Brunswick, Canada, online published the new achievement entitled "Snowmelt and Early to Mid-Growing Season Water Availability Augment Tree Growth During Rapid Warming in Southern Asian Boreal Forests," in Global Change Biology, a prestigious international publication (TOP journal of Chinese academy of sciences JCR zone 1, IF = 8.88). Zhang Xianliang is the first author and co-corresponding author, and Hebei Agricultural University is the first completion unit.


On September 13, a delegation of 8 doctoral experts graduated from Japan came to HEBAU for research and exchange and also delivered academic reports combining with respective scientific research areas for the faculty and students of HEBAU. At the meeting held in the conference room on the 10th floor of the Complex Building, Vice President Li Cundong made an introduction on the development of HEBAU on historical progress, the coordination of multiple disciplines, scientific research and innovation team, the integration of scientific research and industry, social services and international exchanges and cooperations. The head of the delegation gave a detailed introduction to the main service activities of the Japanese doctorate experts group since its establishment 17 years ago.


On the morning of October 17, the signing ceremony of "Global Alliance of HeBAU-CLS(GAHHB)" was held in the auditorium of the scientific research building. The members of GAHHB are mainly experts and professors from the College of Life Sciences, HEBAU; HeQiS for BioAl-Manufacturing; the University of Cambridge, UK; the University of Oxford, UK and the academicians of the Royal Academy of Sciences, UK. Yang Weikun, Vice Mayor of Baoding City, Zhao Banghong, Vice President of HEBAU, and Cheng Qi, Dean of HeQiS for BioAl-Manufacturing attended the ceremony, which was presided over by Shi Zhongquan, Party Committee Secretary of the College of Life Sciences.


Recently, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration announced the first batch of forestry and grassland science and technology innovation teams, and the team Jujube Breeding, Cultivation and Deep Processing Innovation Team", led by Prof. Liu Mengjun, HEBAU, was selected, which is the unique one in Hebei Province among 30 teams selected in all.


On December 22, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the decision to award 2018-2019 Shennong Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology Prize, and awarded Outstanding Innovation Team of 2018-2019 Shennong Chinese Agricultural Science and Technology Prize to Cotton Disease Resistance Genetic Breeding Innovation Team, HEBAU, which is led by Prof. Ma Zhiying.


   On the afternoon of January 2, the strategic cooperation signing ceremony between HEBAU and Chinese Academy of Forestry was held in the conference room on the 10th floor of the Complex Building. Liu Shirong and Chu Fuxiang, President and Vice President of Chinese Academy of Forestry respectively; Rao Guisheng, the Party Committee Secretary of HEBAU, and Zhao Banghong, Vice President of HEBAU attended the signing ceremony. Zhao Banghong and Chu Fuxiang signed the strategic cooperation agreement respectively on behalf of HEBAU and Chinese Academy of Forestry. The ceremony was presided over by Huang Xuanrui, Dean of the College of Forestry, HEBAU.


   On February 22, the working group of specialists on the Research on Evaluation and Management System of Higher Educational Institutes , China Association of Higher Education, released the results of disciplines contests ranking of 2015-2019 and 2019 among national general higher educational institutes. In the  2015 - 2019 discipline competition ranking of national general universities (undergraduate), HEBAU entered the national top 300 for the first time, ranking 238th. In the  ranking list of 2015 - 2019 discipline contests among national agricultural and forestry universities, HEBAU ranked 10th and leaped over 9 ahead of 2018.


Recently, the Ministry of Education issued the Announcement on the Results of Undergraduate Major Filing and Approval of General Higher Educational Institutes in 2019, and the 2 majors declared by HEBAU: economic forestry (major code: 090504T) and environmental and ecological engineering (major code: 082504) were successfully approved.

16、20191211日召开的罗马尼亚农林科学院全体院士大会上,通过无记名投票,选举刘孟军为该院外籍院士(Honorary Member of AAFS)。据悉,这次增选只有3名外籍院士,刘孟军是历史上第一位来自中国的外籍院士。

    The Convention held by Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (AAFS), Romania, in December 11, 2019, by secret ballot, elected Liu Mengjun as one of the foreign Honorary Member of of AAFS, Romania. It is said that AAFS just added 3 foreign Honorary Members this time and Liu Mengjun is the first foreign member from China.

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